Friday, May 25, 2012

AVG Internet Security Review | misPress

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AVG Internet Security

Since you?re hear reading this AVG Internet Security review, it tells me that you?re someone who is concerned about, as well as responsible, when it comes to preventing what could be terrible consequences of surfing the internet.

Unfortunately, as with most things?the brilliance of the internet and all that it provides us also has its downside, and that downside could be any number of things?

  • Viruses and Malware that can wipe out your computer files, precious pics, music and video downloads, and important documents?
  • Hackers that lay-in-wait for the tiniest opening and weakness in your computer?s protection so that they can steal your important usernames, passwords, and ultimately your identity?
  • Online Predators who are looking to badly influence your kids, and still their innocence from them in many ways.

The great thing is that all of these things can be stifled before they even get to you, if you?ve got the right internet security.

Is AVG Good Enough to Protect You From These Threats?

In a nutshell?YES!

AVG will protect you from the threats listed above. And the fact is that they do a great job of it to boot.

Let?s talk about?

Virus Protection?

It?s very likely that the first thing that you think of when thinking about protecting your computer is to protect it from viruses, spyware, or malware.? These can infect your computer from many different angles.

Emails, websites, social media, music, videos, etc? All of these things can have a virus just waiting to infect you computer, destroy it, or collect very sensitive information that you?ve got on file.? These viruses can be very smart and can literally trick your computer into thinking that everything is working smoothly, when in reality it?s creating havoc on both your hard drive as well as subsequently your life.

AVG started out as a free anti-virus application, and since 2006 has added a multitude of features which has made into one of the most coveted internet protection suite?s available online.

AVG protects your computer from every different direction in which a virus is liable to come at you.

AVG Internet Security to Increase Your Speed?

Usually people complain about internet security suites reducing the speed of their computer and interrupting their surfing.

But that actually gets turned around when you install AVG. Instead, this internet protection software literally speeds up your computer.

How does it do that? It accelerates the downloading of files which are content rich. AVG gives you faster system startup, as well as support for Flash and HD video, which allows you to enjoy online video such as YouTube at faster speeds than ever before on your computer.

Nothing is affected as far as slowing your speed down when you use AVG for internet security. Even gaming is fast and uninterrupted, so that you won?t have to do anything like turn off your firewall like many gamers do, even though it?s very dangerous.

Protecting Your Identity?

A rampant problem these days is identity theft. You hear about it all the time, in one way or another. It?s a terrible thing to have happen.? When bank accounts and savings get drained, or credit gets completely ruined, there?s nothing worse than trying to set the record straight again. It takes a lot of time, work, and patience.

With AVG, you have a nice level of protection due to a top of the line firewall that checks both incoming and outgoing attacks via malicious spyware and malware, as well a protecting you when banking or shopping online. It even guards your wireless connection for intruders who can get all sorts of information from your wireless connection.

What I Really Love About AVG Internet Security?

One thing I?m big on ? with any product ? is customer support.

When you need help, and you?re desperate for an answer, you want that answer right now. I don?t care if it?s 3am? you want to be able to talk with someone who knows how to fix your problem.

AVG has some of the best customer service in the business.

They?re customer service is 24/7, and their reps are extremely knowledgeable. So when you get a strange message or warning that you?ve never heard of, or you simply need help installing or updating your AVG internet security software, you can turn right to AVG and they?ll walk you through how to fix things.

This can be done either through telephone, email, or what I really love?a chat application. I love this because it makes things super fast, super easy, and super convenient.

Through the years I?ve used various internet security suites. Many have been great, and many have been duds.

The bad part about learning about internet security through trial and error is that when you?re wrong, terrible things can happen. When your internet security isn?t up to snuff, then things slip through the cracks and you end up losing all your information, or worse losing your identity to some thief.

It?s not worth it, and hopefully this AVG internet security review has shown you that AVG is at least worth checking out for yourself?and you can do so by clicking here now!

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